One Kind Thing

It takes just one kind thing to make all the difference to someone.

About Coaching

Find out more about how Coaching works for you.

What People Say

Things people say about working with me.

Books to Read

Some great reading that might be just what you’ll love!

The Kind Leader Program

The Kind Leader Program. Simple, easy, successful!

Leadership Coaching with Martin

Leadership Coaching is all about our shared curiosity in a conversation. A safe space for you to talk and for me to listen, mostly.

The dawning appreciation that you have everything within you to be successful, calm and above all, happy.

Kind, generous – and yes, challenging too –  as you support and develop your people.

Fulfilled in your life – as well as your work.

That’s Leadership.

YouTube video

What People Say

I’ve worked with hundreds of wonderful people over the years, here are just a few comments from them.

  • Client Image

    'He has helped me successfully navigate change within my organisation and develop my own skills.'

  • Client Image

    'We were able to distill complex challenges into simple actionable items.'

  • Client Image

    "I was left feeling more assured of my skills and with a lot more confidence."

  • Client Image

    "Martin skilfully nudged me into thinking outside of the box and delving into areas hitherto unknown to me."

  • Client Image

    "He has a great balance of active listening, asking the right questions to really steer the conversation into the most useful areas."

  • Client Image

    "It was extremely helpful to work with Martin for my development."


  • Client Image

    "Martin challenges easy assumptions about how we do things and work in organizations. He is the coach you want when the chips are down."

  • Client Image

    "With his professional, straightforward approach and charming sense of humour, he spots the essence, asks the right questions, re-connecting the dots with wisdom."

  • Client Image

    "As a coach and collaborator, I can't recommend him highly enough."


  • Client Image

    "I participated in a 3-days leadership program with Martin. I am definitely using the ideas he shared in everyday business now."


  • Client Image

    "Martin has provided Executive Coaching to a number of our clients and has fully met expectations. I would not hesitate to recommend him."

  • Client Image

    "He is open, honest and has a wealth of creativity and ideas. He has a magical ability to spark everyone and everything around him."

Leadership Development Experience

After over 25 years experience as a leader, almost 20 more as a developer of new leaders.


Coaching Clients


Years Coaching


Coaching Hours


Leaders Trained

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Current Reading

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brene brown
adam grant
tha advice trap

When you listen, you show the other person is important,

you find out more and you build the relationship.
